Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 20th 2009-Hot & Windy

Today is my Husbands Birthday, he does not like to have a big deal of it. So not sure what we are doing,maybe nothing!! He is 61... My Sister is visiting in MI. til the 28th,. She made me this Afgan.I went to Dr. Today I have a urnary (sp)tract infection..It sure is windy today. Everyone have a good rest of the week!!!!
My other Sister Bought me this doll awhile ago


  1. Hope you all had a great time celebrating your DHs bday. The afghan is lovely, as is the doll. Have a beautiful weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. Hello..just browsing your is lovely.
    I love the afgan...your sister is very talented.
    Cranberry juice is very good for urnary infections...when I get it, I straight away start taking this juice and it goes withing a few hours...great stuff!!
